Criteria to apply for a rented property
In the majority of cases all Landlords require tenants to be in full time employment. This is because of rent guarantee insurance that Landlords commit to. You would need to be earning at least 2 ½ times the annual rent. If required a guarantor maybe requested. The guarantor would need to guarantee for the whole rental period not just the initial 6 months. You would also have a have a good credit history.
How long would I sign a tenancy agreement for?
Usually a tenancy agreement is for an initial 12 month period.
After the fixed term has ended and by agreement with the Landlord the lease can then be renewed for a further 12 months or automatically renew of a contractual periodic (monthly) basis.
Why do I pay a fee on applying for a property?
There are no fees to pay to apply for a property.
Are there any other fees to pay throughout my tenancy?
Please see the list below
What deposit (bond) will I have to pay?
The normal deposit (bond) is equivalent to 5 weeks rent. All deposits will be held by the Deposit Protection Service (The DPS).
What will I have to pay on the day I sign for the tenancy?
You will need to pay your first month’s rent plus the deposit (bond). This has to be paid by debit card. We cannot accept credit cards or personal cheques.
Do I need insurance?
We highly recommend you obtain contents insurance to cover your own contents. You do not require buildings insurance as this is taken out by the Landlord. Please ask for information if necessary.
How do I pay my rent during my tenancy?
Your rent needs to be paid via standing order or by debit card in the office or over the telephone and should be cleared into our account on your rent due date. If your rent is going to be late you should contact the relevant office to inform us when the payment is due to be received into our account. We actively discourage late rental payments as this will jeopardise your tenancy.
Who is responsible for Repairs/Maintenance?
The Landlord is responsible for repairs to roofs, boilers, and electrics and such like. You have a tenants obligation to change light bulbs, smoke alarm batteries, keeping drains clear etc. To report repairs please see our link to Fixflo on the website.
What notice do I need to give to end my tenancy?
We require 1 months’ notice in writing (not email or verbal) to end your tenancy this runs from your rent due date. This notice must be received by us at least 3 days before your rent due date and it is your responsibility to ensure we have received this notice correctly and on time. If you have a fixed term tenancy your notice to vacate cannot be accepted until 1 month before the end of this agreement.
What notice can a Landlord give to end the tenancy?
If you are on a fixed term tenancy the Landlord has to give 2 months’ notice to vacate at the end of the 4th month of the tenancy. If you are on a contractual periodic tenancy they can give 2 months’ notice to vacate on your rent due date.
How do I get my deposit (bond) back at the end of the tenancy?
When you have returned the keys to us at the end of your tenancy, we will carry out a move out inspection to which you will be asked to attend. If the property has been left in a good order and there are no issues and you prove all the final utility bills have been paid, we will instruct the DPS to refund your deposit (bond).
If however, there are repairs/cleaning/removal or rubbish or items you will be given an amount we wish to deduct from the deposit (bond) if you agree to this we will instruct the DPS to refund your deposit (bond). If you do not agree to the amount requested the DPS will then arbitrate between yourself and the Landlord and they will agree on how much if anything is deducted.
Please be aware that it is not Robert Watts Property Management Limited who decide what is to be deducted it is the Landlord of the property. Please be aware that the majority of the above questions are relevant when Robert Watts Property Management are managing the property. If a Landlord choses to manage the property themselves then you would deal directly with the Landlord.
First months rent
The first month’s rent needs to be paid via debit card on the day you sign up and receive the keys for the property.
Security Deposit
(Bond) Up to maximum of 5 weeks rent.
This covers damages or defaults on the part of the tenant during the tenancy.
Lost Key(s) or other Security device(s)
Tenants are liable to the actual cost of replacing any lost key(s) or other security device(s). If the loss results in locks needing to be changed, the actual costs of a locksmith, new lock and replacement keys for the tenant, landlord and other persons requiring keys will be charged to the tenant. If extra costs are incurred there will be a charge of £15 per hour (inc VAT) for the time taken replacing lost key(s) or other security device(s).
Variation of Contract (Tenant request)
£50 inc VAT per agreed variation. To cover the costs associated with taking landlord’s instructions as well as the preparation and execution of new legal documents.
Change of Sharer (Tenant request)
£50 inc VAT per replacement tenant or any reasonable costs incurred if higher. To cover the costs associated with taking landlord instruction, new tenant referencing and Right to Rent checks, deposit registration as well as the preparation and execution of legal documents.
Early termination (Tenant request)
Should the tenant wish to leave their contract early they should be liable to the landlord’s costs in re-letting the property as well as all rent due under the tenancy until the start date of the replacement tenancy. These costs will be no more than the maximum amount of rent outstanding on the tenancy
Any damages/repairs that tenants cause to a property will be deducted from the bond.
We are a member of NFOPP client money protection scheme.
We are members of The Property Ombudsman redress scheme