We aim to offer an excellent service to all of our landlords, no matter what level of cover they need. Proud to be a multi-award winning agent, we have been voted the number one letting agent in Yorkshire and one of the top three agents in the UK.
As an independent agent, we are able to offer services to our landlords that others in the region can’t, from guaranteed rent to a reliable network of subcontractors – putting the needs of our landlords first.
This is why we have introduced Rent Collect, our mid-level service for landlords who need more support than our Let Only package offers. Our mid-level service is ideal for landlords who are happy to be on hand to deal with the day-to-day maintenance of their property, but want to be supported by our 30-year knowledge and experience in rent collection every month. This service can be combined with our Let Only service to find a suitable tenant and prepare the contract.
Alongside our new Rent Collect package, we also offer a number of additional services, including the preparation of an in-depth property inventory, move-out inspections, registering deposits with DPS and the renewal of lease agreements.
If you are currently letting a property with us through our Let Only service and would like to add on Rent Collect, or if you are a landlord interested in letting with us for the first time, get in touch with our lettings team on 01274 876863 to find out more.