In partnership with iamsold, our auction service offers a fast and secure way to sell your home. Auction provides a great alternative method of buying and selling property to traditional Private Treaty sales, with more transparency for everyone
From the time you receive the draft contract, to completion, there is a fixed time scale of 56 days. This means if you need to sell your property quickly, or just want a hassle-free process, then selling via auction could be an excellent option for you.
Our innovative online property auction service enables you to buy or sell your property from the comfort of your home with access to the site 24 hours, seven days a week.
The Modern Method of Auction offers a fresh approach to the auction process by welcoming traditional buyers who require mortgage funding as well as cash investors. Plus, buying at auction provides greater flexibility and allows investors to find fantastic development opportunities.
Alongside the modern method of auction, we also offer the traditional auction sale route with immediate exchange on the auction date and completion 28 days thereafter.