Our online property auctions allow you to sell quickly with fixed timescales to financially motivated buyers with no selling fees.
Selling at auction is a great alternative for those who need a quick and certain sale. In partnership with the Great Yorkshire Property Auction we can offer a cost-free option to sell your property in a 56 day timescale and expose it to a wider nationwide marketplace.
Our innovative online property auction service enables you to buy or sell your property from the comfort of your home with access to the site 24 hours, 7 days a week.
We also offer the traditional auction sale route with immediate exchange on the auction date and completion 28 days thereafter and if this is the preferred option then please contact us to discuss this further.
Our Modern Method of Auction offers a fresh approach to the auction process by welcoming traditional buyers who require mortgage funding as well as cash investors. Plus, buying at auction provides greater flexibility and allows you to find fantastic development opportunities.
Get in touch to find out more about selling or buying property at auction and whether it is the right choice for you.